Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Chapter 9: 1886, An argument turns deadly

 “We are having a little gathering at our home this evening and would very much like to have you and Edward joins us,” Lucy Merriweather told Polly Powers. “Eddie always enjoys visiting at your house – I’m sure that he will want to come,” Polly responded. “Good, then Herbert and I will be expecting you,” Mrs. Merriweather smiled.

2 When Polly returned home, she found her husband working in the barn. “Did you get everything you needed in town?” he asked. “Yes, and we were invited to a gathering at Herbert’s and Lucy’s this evening,” she informed him. “Well, that is something to look forward to,” Edward smiled.

3 That evening, Edward brushed down the horses and hitched them to the wagon and parked them in front of the house. Then he went in, cleaned up and got dressed. Polly was waiting for him in the parlor.

4 “You look handsome tonight,” she told him. “And you look beautiful as ever!” he blushed. “We’d better be going or will be late,” she prodded. “Let’s go,” he agreed.

5 When they pulled up to the Merriweather’s home, however, Edward’s demeanor changed. “What is it, dear?” Polly asked. “Tom Smith is here,” he pointed. “I don’t know why they had to invite that old reprobate!” he exclaimed. “I know that he can be difficult, but try to remember our hosts,” she cautioned.

6 As they were shown into the parlor of their friend’s home, Edward walked up to their host and shook his hand. “It’s good to see you, Ed!” Mr. Merriweather exclaimed with obvious delight. And the two men immediately fell into a discussion about the latest happenings in the world of agriculture.

7 “There’s that Masonic Republican!” Tom Smith growled through clenched teeth to everyone and no one in particular. At first, Edward ignored the remark, but Tom was having none of that. He walked over to where Edward was standing and began to talk.

8 “I’ve heard that the Masons are working to take control of the Republican Party,” he began. “That is pure nonsense Tom,” Edward calmly responded. “Then why all of the secrecy?” Tom demanded.

9 Edward could smell the alcohol on Tom’s breath, but there was no escaping him now. “Our rituals and symbols are known only to our members,” Edward explained.

10 “Pagan rituals and symbols,” Thomas roared. “You Masons don’t even acknowledge Christ or the Bible!” he continued.

11 “You’re talking about things which you don’t know anything about,” Edward assured him. “In fact, everything we do is based on God and Scripture,” he finished. “Not any Scriptures I’ve ever read,” Tom insisted.

12 “What do you think of that Old Democrat in Washington marrying that young girl?” he asked trying to change the subject. “I don’t see anything wrong with the President taking a wife,” Tom replied. “But it doesn’t surprise me that you people would try to make something out of it,” he added with a snarl.

13 “I don’t think that I want to discuss this with you any further,” Edward said. “What have you been doing with all of that money you’re always bragging about making off of your furs and sheep?” Tom demanded. “That is none of your business, and this conversation is over!” Edward announced in a loud voice and turned to walk away.

14 “Why, you smug son of a bitch, I’ll show you!” Tom declared. Then he picked up the nearest chair and swung it over his head before bringing it down on top of Edward as he walked away.

15 Polly screamed. There was blood everywhere. “Tom, what have you done?” Herbert demanded. Edward lay unconscious and bleeding on the floor. “Hurry, someone get a doctor!” he shouted.

16 Two other men that were standing nearby grabbed Tom and restrained him. “And someone get the police,” Lucy added.

17 Polly was now crouched down over her husband crying. A few days later, Edward died without ever regaining consciousness.

18 As news spread around the county about what had happened in Marysville, everyone was shocked. “That man murdered Mr. Powers,” many of them whispered in hushed tones. “What about his wife and children?” was another common comment. Even so, whatever happened next, there was no bringing Edward Powers back – his now lifeless body was interred at Oakdale Cemetery.

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